string(2) "15"
31 Jan


Maaya Berlin

Fr, 31.Januar von 23:00 - Sa, 01.Februar 13:24
Party 18+ funk party baile funk

Get ready to experience the Brazilian Favela Baile Funk vibes up close! Pancadão (a violent beat) is coming to MAAYA!!!! We bring the original Funk vibes to you with a very special guest coming to Berlin: DJ Crell, who is known for his energetic live MPC Baile shows. Straight from the roots of Brazil we also got our host Yemoja and Silvasurfer, resident DJ of the popular Baile Trama parties. Last but not least DJ Amowia will join the fun for our very first Baile at MAAYA.
  • Line Up
  • djyemoja dj crell silvasurfer amowia
  • Eintritt
  • 15 €


baile funk party berlin berlinernachtleben partymekka

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